Place an Order

Order Form

Looking for a quote? Fill out our Quote Form.

APEX Anesthesia Student? Head over to our APEX product page.

    File Upload:

    Job Name *

    File Upload (Max Size: 20MB)

    For multiple files, or files larger than 20MB, please upload to Dropbox and share the link in the notes section below.

    Contact Information:

    Your Name *

    Your Email *

    Phone Number *

    Your Company/Organization

    Printing Specifications

    Product (if known)

    Finished Quantity *

    (Total Number of Finished Pieces or Sets)

    Total Number of Pages in Your Document *

    Black & White or Color? *

      Black and White    Color

    Single or Double Sided? *

      Single Sided    Double Sided

    Bleed or No Bleed? *

      Bleed    No Bleed

    'No Bleed' documents will print with a white border on the edges.
    'Bleed' documents have a design that runs off any/all edges and will print to the edge of the page.

    Finished Size? *

    Paper Type *

    Paper Color *

    Click to view our Paper Color Chart.

    Finishing Options





    Slipsheet Between Sets?     Yes

    Additional Notes

    If you are having any issues with the order form, please email your order to

    Be sure to include the specs for your job and quantity needed.

    Have Questions?

    Contact Us!
    Place an Order