Photo Enlargement/Retouching



Looking for a gift for a family member or friend? Have you found old photos you would love to have enlarged and restored? Our designers can work with you to reproduce cherished memories and keepsakes.

Our process includes scanning (up to about 8.5” x 14” for flatbed scans) a high resolution image of the photograph and utilizing our editing software to touch up and enlarge your photos*. Afterwards, share your memories with friends and family. Photo enlargements come in a variety of sizes and can be mounted and laminated. See “Large Format Prints” or “Canvas Prints” for more information on different materials, and printing.

*We have a few limitations when it comes to the restoration process: An out of focus original image can’t be made sharper than the original. If critical information is missing, such as a person’s face, it cannot be restored, except in certain rare circumstances. Restoring color to a faded original will come close, but not exactly the same as the original color. We will do our absolute best to help, but we reserve the right to accept/decline a restoration job based on the state of the original photo.