World Digital Imaging strongly believes in keeping your personal information private. Any information forms that you complete will be used solely for the completion of the requested print job.
World Digital Imaging will not sell or share your name, address, or any other personal information that you provide to any other third party. World Digital Imaging will neither share nor distribute your information for any purposes other than the printing of the job requested.
If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Statement, the practices of this site, or your business dealings with the World Digital Imaging website, please contact: sales@worlddigitalimaging.com
It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the proof is correct in all areas. Please be sure to double-check spelling, grammar, layout and design before approving artwork.
World Digital Imaging assumes no liability other than the successful completion of the agreed to print job. If a proof containing errors is approved by the customer, the customer will be responsible for payment of all original costs of printing (setup/design charges, printing, binding, mailing, etc.), including corrections and reprints. Any considerations/exceptions to this matter are subject to our discretion.
Customer’s signature (whether physical, verbal, or electronic) on artwork approval is contractually binding for payment of all services rendered. All artwork must be approved by the customer with an authorized signature/statement (whether physical, verbal, or electronic) before a job can be entered into production.
The customer is 100% responsible for approvals of Copyright, Trademark and Licensing Agreements of artwork.
This website is designed to provide information on the digital printing and reproduction capabilities of World Digital Imaging to our prospective customers. The pricing listed is subject to update and change, based upon changes in the marketplace.
The listings and other content set forth on this website and on any linked sites are based upon information provided by the website owner. World Digital Imaging assumes no responsibility to guarantee the accuracy of the content. All materials in this site and all links to other sites are provided strictly AS IS without any express or implied warranty of any kind or nature.
Email Blast/Newsletter
If you receive our email blast/newsletter you may at any time have your name removed from our distribution list by following the unsubscribe directions at the bottom of the email. Your name and email address will never be sold or shared with any other third party.
The information provided in our email blast/newsletter is intended to be informational in content regarding World Digital Imaging products, capabilities, and special discount opportunities. We would appreciate the opportunity to provide this information to any friends or associates to whom this information could be very valuable. Thank you.